If it's September, it must be Mendocino time again. Time for pour- overs, caves, and things that go bump in the dark. Time for Sea Palms and Black Oystercatchers, and kelp-foamy reefs. Trade in Pt Cabrillo for the real deal. (I was in Lincoln City in June and saw a guy get rolled on the rocks. Pretty nasty. (Note to self: try to avoid that.) The first mussel lifts the whisker, the second one shaves it off. Speaking of which (WSKers), I've been invited by a friend from BASK. Apparently the campground is full so it should be a blast.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Mendocino I
If it's September, it must be Mendocino time again. Time for pour- overs, caves, and things that go bump in the dark. Time for Sea Palms and Black Oystercatchers, and kelp-foamy reefs. Trade in Pt Cabrillo for the real deal. (I was in Lincoln City in June and saw a guy get rolled on the rocks. Pretty nasty. (Note to self: try to avoid that.) The first mussel lifts the whisker, the second one shaves it off. Speaking of which (WSKers), I've been invited by a friend from BASK. Apparently the campground is full so it should be a blast.
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