Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter of my discontent

A blue moon on Thursday, perigee on Friday, perihelion on Saturday with an 8.7 ft exchange, and what have we got in California? Rain. You'd think to an Oregon boy it wouldn't matter, but a full moon with cloud cover just isn't the same.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

And so this is Christmas ...

Heard a Beach Boys riff on the radio today. It's hard to get used to the idea of Christmas in California. It's hard to get used to the idea of a Christmas without snow. Particularly when you've got friends where it's 32°. Hard to imagine kids who think this is normal.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Size matters

I was camping with the kids at Big Sur, trudging down the road past site after site, when my daughter
(age 5) asked, "We have a big tent, right Daddy?" "No, actually ours is kind of small." "But it's bigger than THAT one, isn't it?" "No, I think it's smaller."
She so wanted our tent to be big. Where we fit into the grand scheme of things--how we compared--was important. The fact that it's under 3 lbs. (a fact Daddy is quite pleased with) of course meant nothing.